Friday 18 July 2014

Basics of Atlantean, Egyptian, Astral Social Engineering.

as not too far as i understood...

in past there were Angels, Blue and Red.

many of such were sent to a Prison Colony, Atlantis.

they could go there, but not return, for it was a Prison.

Atlanteans considered themselves wisest beings in the World.

aging was an issue, they lived long but had problems with dying... not accepting changes, seduced by idea of death, etc perhaps...

Asteroid hit caused Atlantis to go Underwater, waves crashing at it, perhaps other catastrophes.

Astral Atlantis is still Present.


also other clues:

Atlantis was Technologically Advanced,

Mind is like Ocean, Waves are related to Brainwaves.

Astral is world of Emotions & Imagination.

Egypt is known for Pyramids, built by Slaves, and for Spirituality.

Death is symbol of Change.

Mage is symbol of Change.

Dragon is Symbol of Fear.

Shadow is Inner Dragon.


see also:

- Dragons of Atlantis Computer Game,
- A Prison, a tale from the Neverwinter Nights 1 Dungeons & Dragons Computer Game,
- 'Memory Leaks',
- Digital Narcotic,
- 'Magical Aspects, Virtuality, etc ...'.


i think this Social Engineering provides methods for Enslavement & Liberation, a Psycho-Technology for that... perhaps more...


- click to see larger image, if You wish. -

(perhaps more later, perhaps updates).

1 comment:

  1. (EN) having nagging thought that i should mention that according to many 'Prison Colony' is also 'Penal Colony'.
