Wednesday 26 March 2014

What is Symbol, again?

Symbols represent Ideas.

They can be invoked to appear in someone's mind by saying them, showing or letting perceive.

Invoking a Symbol is a form of manipulation, sometimes beneficial, often not. This changes mind's state.

They can be used to invoke archetype, communicating someone to behave as a certain archetype.

For example: 'Can you behave like a father, please?', 'can you be a hacker now?' etc..

Jungian Archetypes.

Jungian Complexes organize individual subconsciousness.

Jungian Archetypes organize collective subconsciousness.

Archetypes are primordial images of basic psychological meanings and cultural values.

Archetype is inherited from generation to generation - behavioral pattern, thinking pattern, feel pattern.

It is an idea carrying considerable emotional value.

Archetype differs from symbol, that symbol represents archetype - cultural images, experiences and such of many. Symbol might be one word, but sum of people's understanding and feelings is something different - an archetype... various people might understand an archetype slightly differently, when someone uses symbol to call it in a group.

See also, if You wish: Symbols, What is Symbol, again?


Archetypes are also praimages of basic psychological meanings & cultural values (gr. arche - primal, typos - image). Jung called them 'dominants of collective unconsciousness', 'collective dominants', representing 'generic ideas'...

Archetypes manifest in individual's psyche, organizing wholeness of her or his symbolic life - both aware (pl. świadomego) & unaware (pl. nieświadomego) - ideas, dogmas, mythology, creative fantasy, beliefs, ideology, thinking patterns, etc.

Source: [2].


i think that archetypes also represent social roles, given to an individual by the society.

there are archetypes in roleplaying games, sometimes called differently (for example: character templates, character classes).


(To do: need to think more about relations between Archetypes and Symbols, Archetypal Symbols).