Monday, 30 December 2013

Emptiness of 'i', and Superego.

What if one recognizes impermanence of 'i'?

Perhaps 'superego' and 'id' still remain (unrecognized).

it's still better to think of others and forget about 'i', it's pointless to see loved hurt that way.

'Love oriented on giving' does not expect anyway.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Hippocrates Oath.

'Doctors', of any kind, legal or not, qualified or just thinking they are... should be reminded of Hippocrates Oath. Including nondoctors who wish to cure others not the way they like even if they have no such education or qualifications.

This includes experiments and tortures on patients, against their will. it's form of rape.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


As i understand it, 'Projection' is something that mind externalizes.

Sometimes it's hallucinations, sometimes it's speech, in any way.

Self and Ego.

'Self' is 'we'.

'Ego' is 'i'.

But where is the end of 'i' and start of 'we', even if everything is interconnected somehow?

Monday, 29 July 2013

Wishful Thinking.

It's word used in psychology (not sure which). It's also called 'Magical Thinking'.

How it works? Send a wish (just think about it), then focus on it, all action should serve for it. That's how it'll transform into daily ritual. And so on.

It works. Magically. Not sure how. Somehow.

i think that too much food makes people violent.

i can't promise that i won't turn into worst if i am fed so much as i am now.

i need less, especially food.

less but better.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Are yidams, Buddha Forms, Forms of Energy and Light, Connections with Mind, are they Symbols?

i think Yes.

religious Symbols.

but if you know it better, please enlighten me.

i will appreciate.

if needed i'll use them in my IT (information technology) work. In 'Art & Dharma Teachings', 'Dragonfly Algorithm', and perhaps more.

Via Insight.

Sometimes thoughts and feelings appear in mind. Those who follow via insight (insight's way), think differently: they ignore, catch ideas and act upon them, or oppose them. Such is my experience. It takes time to switch they way one thinks and acts.. it's dangerous process, but it's worth in my opinion.

Later i discovered keys in psyche that can be observed. Signs within and outside can be interpreted to understand people and world better, sometimes to the point of telepathic experience or delusion (i had such insight, it sounds logical with all lessons i heard and perceived, but i have to confirm).

Altruistic Ego.

Altruistic ego (structure in psyche) is better than childish, insane, demanding one. I call it ego with altruistic base.

But how one can survive without anything?

Perhaps they can, but it's often more efficient from some viewpoint to use material goods and strong ideas.

Yes, i am little selfish, but then even in Tonglen Meditations (i practiced one described in 'Buddha & Love', polish translation, and in 'The Way Things Are', polish translation), it's about giving and taking. I wish to be better Buddhist, so if you can please correct me (if you know what you are doing).

I think it's important to consider with whom one wishes to practice Meditations. I practiced them in Warsaw Buddhist Center, Stupa House.

Persona and Ego.

Term 'persona' is derived from latin word meaning mask, role, character.

In Jung's psychology persona is complex (structure) that drives how people act, similar to ego complex.

Persona is someone's public mask, and mediates between ego and external world.

Basic Persona's definition, by Jung is 'functional complex', that serves adaptation to external item (object, thing).

Logical conclusion would be that persona is relative, and that there might be many personas with regard to different external things.

Additional definitions include 'external character', and 'habitual external posture' (internal posture is represented by soul, ego's relation with own soul is self expression according to 'myself' as subject).

Drukpa Kunley as Symbol.

'Drukpa Kunley counts among the most celebrated Adepts of the Himalayan countries, because he belonged to the tradition of "Crazy Wisdom," of which precious little is known in the West.'

Quoted from 'The Divine Madman' translated by KEITH DOWMAN.

Enlightened Love Mania.

Is it Truly illness?

Diagnosis is never valid forever, or what is Schizophrenia today.

Let's see what is Schizophrenia, and how paranoid it is.

Symptoms, or signs of illness:

Psychosomatic compulsion - urge, often irresistible to do or say, or even shout something against one's will.

Cleansing - epileptic symptoms, most severe when one thinks he's alone.

Fearlessness - no fear to certain level, except for fear of being alone.

Compulsory, irresistible laughing.

Severe computer games addiction.

Monday, 22 July 2013


Symbol is never explained forever.

It demands constant decrypting.

It might be image, word, gesture, or something else.

Ego and Will.

Ego is complex (structure) in psyche (psyche is greek word for mind-soul).

In Jung's theory ego is gradually created, from beginning of life, central consciousness (awareness?) complex, "me", around which there's more or less large consciousness (awareness?) field.

Ego, subject of consciousness (awareness?) Is created as complex measurement, consisting of inherited predispositions, and of unconsciously gained impressions.

Ego organizes and regulates how consciousness (awareness?) works, gives sense of inner integrity and separation, more or less.

Speaking of ego empirically, we have on mind different measures and aspects of consciousness (awareness?), more or less individual, structure and basic functions.

Will, defined by Jung is result of all energetic processes of consciousess (awareness?).

The higher level of ego's development, the more energy, willpower it can use. To be clear: larger ego is often less developed, integrity and reduction are in my opinion to make ego better.


Jung's Analysis provides integrated insight into self organization processes, and into processes conditioning personality's entropy (pathogenesis).


is characterized by individuation theory as personality's emergence and achieving it to the fullest (psychic totality).


Basic forms of entropy and pathogenesis in context of Jung's concept are described by so called inflation and creation of disorders in symbolic thinking mechanisms.

Incomplete knowledge

Psychology practiced in incomplete and fragmented manner can in future reach new level of integration if Jung's concepts are used.


Jung was empiric, stressed this many times.