Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Perceptions, Truth, Delusions.

occasionally (rarely) i do have visions, not only insights.

insights are common, often seem true.

visions are perhaps true, perhaps not.

if they are delusional, false, i'd call them: 'hallucinations', 'visual delusions', 'visual omams', etc.

these are words used in psychology, perhaps in psychiatry as well.

in truth i do not know if what i perceive, either in form of insights, voices, thoughts, visions, hallucinations, etc ... or even touch experiences or other ... is true, what is false.

what's truth?

what's delusion, insanity?

i think that Wisdom & Compassion lead to Awakening, to Truth, to Enlightened Love, to Enlightenment.

See also, if You wish: Perceptions, Truth, Delusions on Producing Buddhism, Perceptions, Truth, Delusions on Parapsychology, Magick, Spiritual & Related.

Jung, famous Psychologist called himself 'Empiric', i read.


  1. (EN) Visual Omams = (PL) Omamy Wzrokowe.
    (EN) Hearing Omams = (PL) Omamy Słuchowe.

    (EN) truth-accurate are insights, visions, ... delusional are voices, hearing omams, hallucinations, visual omams, ... there are other senses as well.
    (PL) prawdo-trafne są wglądy, wizje, ... pełne złudzeń są głosy, omamy słuchowe, halucynacje, omamy wzrokowe, ... są też inne zmysły.

  2. (EN) criticism & distance toward delusional insights & visions is healthy. lack of distance & criticism is ill. it's how we handle these, how these help or hinder in life, determines if we are sick or healthy according to psychology & psychiatry.
    (PL) krytycyzm i dystans wobec wglądów i wizji pełnych złudzeń jest zdrowy. brak dystansu i krytycyzmu jest chory. to jak podchodzimy do nich, jak one pomagają lub przeszkadzają w życiu determinuje czy jesteśmy chorzy czy zdrowi według psychologii i psychiatrii.
