Sunday, 9 July 2017

'Ex-In' Module 01a/10 - 'Health & Good Mood'; Getting to know each other.


i've enlisted on a course to be a psychotherapist.

It's a way for mentally ill people to help themselves & other mentally ill people using our own experience, as well as some psychological theory, arts & therapeutic group methods.

Details: in this article.

Course consists of 10 modules, each lasting for 3 days, 8 hours each.

Module 01a - 'Health & Good Mood; Getting to know each other'.

During first module we didn't have much of theory. It was mostly exercises related with module's topic, along with explaination & talking about personal experiences after it. This way we could observe how different people experience these, to learn our common points & differencies, to understand others and ourselves, to unite as a group, to see how 'knowledge about us' unfolds.

i am liking this approach, as theory can be read from books - and group exercises are best learned & practiced with other people.

i didn't write in my notes about all of exercises, just of most memorable ones & those that happened in latter stage of the module.

Here's what we did, in short:

1. Interviews & Presentations of the group members.

We paired ourselves with people we know least and talked about ourselves. Then we did present what we did find to others - that's how we were acquainted a little with everyone.

2. Names & Movement.

We went outside, formed a circle & did this exercise. Each of us - including our instructors - spoke a name & added a movement to it, a movement that symbolized & expressed that person. After name & movement was performed, rest of our group followed - spoke name & repeated movement. Then next person did the same and we repeated all names & movements done so far - until all names and moves were executed. Then we did this in reverse direction.

We were told it's a form of 'movement & dance', this was a 'mind-speech-body' mnemonic meant to help us remember our names.

Instructor who introduced us into this exercise is expert at 'movement & dance therapy' - thus our group had this resource, as each of us - both instructors and trainees - added what he or she had best to our group's potential.

3. Symbol of health & of growing healthy.

Each of us drew on a piece of paper our personal symbol of health and growing healthy. Then we paired ourselves with a person we know least (different person than in previous exercise) and talked about meanings. Then we related what we did find out to other members of our group.

This way we started to understand each of us' personal metrics of health, our expectations & process of reaching this state.

4. Pantomime.

We were split into a few of subgroups & given names of movies & native american-styled names to convey by acting without using words or sounds.

Aside from great fun & cooperation, we did learn about nonverbal communication. This example showed us that while stereotypes, known symbols & movie titles are easy to convey, discover & guess, nonverbal communication with unknown people is hard to understand. Once a person is known, it's easier to understand gestures, facial expressions, body language.

We were told that nonverbal communication is one of the topics that we will pay attention to later, as well as an important part of communication & working in a group.

5. Letter to myself.

We wrote a letter to ourselves of how we can care for ourselves, then those who were not too shy - read that message for others' benefits.

We learned that we should take care of ourselves first, then we can help others better.

6. Bringing in something.

We were encouraged to bring something on a course, so others could see & talk. We were told that in next modules we'll talk about these important symbolic items, exact purpose of this exercise should be revealed later.

7. Our strong points.

We were talking with others our strong points, resources we can add for the benefit of our group.

We learned that in a group our personality traits are shared, we can complement each other in a well organized group.

A process of group integration turns individuals into a synergic whole.

That's why Ex-Ins (Experts by Experience) are paired with 'Experts by Education', that's why there usually is more than one of such pairs in a therapeutic, scientific or educational group.

8. Movement Therapy.

With symbolic body movements, breath and voice we were expressing that we absorb good, positive energies and feelings, then using different body movements, breath and voice we were getting rid of negative, harmful, bad things.

Exact copying of moves were not so important - we focused on doing what's a comfortable similarity for us instead. Not everyone participating in therapy has fully healthy body, some have troubles with some exercises, and personal comfort and ease is important for everyone.

9. Acting out Fairy Tales, with a Twist.

We were split into groups and given tasks to act out a childhood tale with narration, but with an alternative ending, with a humorous twist.

Aside from relaxation & cooperation this exercise had a purpose of enhancing our creativity & imagination, it was also a practice of 'getting out of a stereotype', of practicing perceiving thigs from a different perspective. This has uses in a therapy when we will try to understand other patients.

We were asked if we took care of ourselves during this exercise, if our roles were comfortable. (my role was fine with me).

We learned that as soon as we 'put on different glass', our tools & thinking might be no longer useful, no longer convenient. Different people use different means for handling life's situations.

10. How we can take care of others?

We were split into groups and each of groups wrote ideas of how we can help each other.

Our ideas were similar but slightly different, we talked about this for a while.

11. Handling conflicts & difficult situations.

We learned some methods of handling conflicts within our fairly large group, we learned to respect our different responsibilities & roles in a group. Both staff (educators or therapists) as well as customers (trainees and patients) have different responsibilities and roles. For a group exercise to succeed & bring benefit, there has to be respect & a few of formal rules. We learned anarchy does not help, even if psychology allows for some of non-strictness. Our speeches should be essential, related with the subject, to the point - without too much of digression, deviation from subject. Obeying these rules is also respecting the time of ourselves and of others.

Rules and group contracts should be formed & kept to ensure smooth progression of group's goals, but also to ensure that members feel safe in a group.

We learned that group conflicts are best handled early, so 'group's atmosphere won't grow into a giant'.

12. Summary & Parting Ways.

Then we practiced movement, breath & voice exercises to get rid of strong emotions & negativity, summarized our feelings at module's end, talked of how we see possible course's future and parted for now.

Next module will happen in about 3 weeks.

Overall it was great and positive experience - even if emotionally intense; i am looking for course's future with hope & optimism.

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