Monday, 10 February 2014

Addressing Doctor.

You can choose one of two different attitudes:

1. You can say: 'it's me, i am aggressive and i have symptoms' in some form or other.


2. You can knock, wait for invitation, and say message like this: 'Good day, i need help, would You Mrs Doctor give me a visit? I have (...) symptoms. Thanks in advance'.

latter option lets you behave somewhat curtly, keep dignity and receive help if it's available.

Eye contact, honesty and simplicity helps.

let's not forget about debt for such a visit, and do not abuse doctor's good will, that's why one should be thankful.

(i choose latter option).

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Purpose of Psychology.

To help people, at least i understand it that way.

That's why i learn it, to help.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Symbolic Thinking, Mind's Mirror, Emotions Prism and Psychotherapy.

I've such experiences:

Mind's Mirror : People, especially women, show you your face, who you are, your thoughts and emotions. They reflect in them and their behavior.

Emotions Prism : Prism splits light into coloured rays. What is Emotions Prism? Are emotions such a Prism? i think they can be compared to black glass that changes our perceptions.

Psychotherapy : Helpful and skillful people can help to remove such black glass and see the world differently.

Symbolic Thinking : Meaning of Symbols can be learned by asking questions. What i think about this color? What thoughts and feelings occur when i think, see, or experience this? Once learned, such a symbol can be used to recognize state of mind, or perhaps an emotion in context of another emotion, or hidden under it. Once recognized, veil of emotion can disappear and we can see 'light' more clearly.