> en: 'every human is equally worthy, no matter healthy or ill'.
> pl: 'każdy człowiek jest równie wartościowy, nie ważne czy chory, czy zdrowy'.
... is it true?
... i think all human beings have full rights - we have only what we fight for, we have only what we win.
... no need to fight alone, i think still, as well.
... we have human rights, democracies, ..., freedom of speech - but so what?
... i think communism is too much of equality - everyone has money - but no one works - scarce products on shelves, product reglamentation,
... i think capitalism is too much of unequality, not only money-wise.
... what's beyond capitalism? ... there's book called 'netocracy'.
... there are those who fight for tibet's freedom ... but well - what is tibet's freedom?
... is it right of tibetan people to have love, kids, fair living, respect, ... ?
... i think one can have freedom even under occupation.
... i think it's still wise to fight for language, for manners, for culture, for art, for education, for ideas, for spirituality - how important are tibetan prayer flags, vajra symbols, mantra wheels - in tibetan buddhist temples? why chinese rulers try to 'reduce' temples in tibet? are tibetans 'second class citizens' in tibet after china's invasion?
... i've offered publicly in the internet to serve china against terrorism - i do not want money for that, price is tibet's freedom.
... but i also fight for tibet's freedom other ways - including criticizing 'spirituality reduction' and providing other arguments to those who fight for tibet more seriously, who are more involved.
... i admire 'chinese manners', i read that china is the most overpopulated nation in the world, but territory is so smaller than U.S. and Russia. How easy is to earn 'permission to have kids'? is it true meaning of 'difficult childhood' in china?
... i think china controls anger well, so it's easy to talk and let chinese migrate to other parts of the world ... instead of starting wars.
... is overpopulation considered only in china's territory?
... even if not, or even if yes - what follows, where this leads?
Sen Zu - 'What we have'.
... what ideas we have 'only' in Mind, what we have in physical reality?
What is meaning of the buddhist lesson/experience - not only on theory level:
'We are Mind(-s), we have body(-ies)'
'Illusory nature of Reality' is something related, but not so similar still,
... i feel,
... i think,
... i remember.