Saturday, 11 March 2017

Causes & Remedies.


Recently my symptoms lessened significiantly. i started to look actively for employment finally.

i think there are two causes for this improvement:
- a Buddhist Practice,
- being among people.

... that is, when i am all alone in my apartment - after a while my mental illness symptoms worsen, having a TV or the Internet does not help much.

More of the Causes.

Recently i've learned that Depression can be caused either by too much of stress, especially if it happens over long time or even by internal somatic (bodily) illness as an inflammatory condition. Giving a troubled birth can be a cause for depression as well. Mothers who suffered a lot during birth too often reeject or harm their kids and if this happens, they are no longer considered sane. In Poland when a mother harms kids when under that state, she is protected by law and given treatment instead of prison.

Depression can be described with it's symptoms:
- lack of energy,
- low moods,
- fear of leaving home,
- lack of apetite or other extreme - eating in excess,
- lack of interrest in sex,
- lack of motivation to do anything,
- lack of self care,
- lack of motivation for hygiene or even leaving bed,
- ...

Depression can be also a Cause for Psychosis or Schizophrenia as well - it was so in my case as well.

There are medicines (pills) that help to overcome worst states of Depression, there are some successes - but not always these work.

After recovering from worst state using medicines, psychologists's help - psychotherapy should occur next.

Depressions can be caused by external causes such as loss of someone important or other tragedy.

Depressions can be caused by something internal - appearing without apparent cause. This happens, even to apparently succesful people who go ill & degrade without a apparent cause. In case of internal Depression, ill person might or might not be aware of the internal cause(s) - either might not want to reveal it or it might be just too subtle so it eludes his or her understanding, perception, cognition.

Internal Depressions are harder to cure.

Men are more vulnerable to Depression than Women.

Gentle & sensitive people are more vulnerable to Depression than 'tough' types as well... but i think that sensitive people react to Arts stronger, and proper art can help to brighten people's lives, bring mind's calmness and avert depressions.

* 'seven',
* 'Losar'.

What is Worse?

i think in my case Depression was much worse than Schizophrenia.

Thankfully it's over, but there's no guarantee it won't return after years.

What's worse? it depends on severity of symptoms, i think.

Multiple types of mental ilness, including Schizophrenia, Depressions, ... can happen at the same time as well.